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Old Feb 25, 2012, 07:34 PM // 19:34   #1
Academy Page
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Default Returning player, have a couple of questions.

Haven't been on for so long, and came to notice some terms being used in TOA that I have no idea what they are.

T1, T2, T3, T4?
When people say "LF EoE 200+"..what does 200+ stand for?

And also, what are the meta builds for FoW/UW farming now?

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Old Feb 25, 2012, 09:29 PM // 21:29   #2
Krytan Explorer
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Depends on which area the group wants to do...

If they're looking for people for the Fissure of Woe (Fow) their advertisement might contain:

T1 (Terra 1, Assassin, sometimes ranger or ele)
T2 (Terra 2, Assassin, sometimes ranger or ele)
-----Sometimes but definitely vary rarely, pugs will ask for a T3 as well.
MT (Main tank, usually assassin)
100b (sometimes called 200b to represent 2x 100b) (Hundred Blades Warrior or Assassin) -and/or- VoS (Vow of Strength Dervish or Assassin) <-- Spikers
EoE (SoS ritualist that places Edge of Extinction for spikes / helps with Griffons quest)
UA (Unyielding Aura monk healer/resser)
MoP (Mark of Pain caller, usually a necro)

***Other terms:
-Solo ToS: They're looking for an EoE that doesn't need help at the Tower of Courage.
-Probably more, but I don't do Fow...

If they're looking for people for the Underworld (UW) their advertisement might contain:

T1 (Terra 1 [Wastes], Ranger or ele, rarely mesmer)
T2 (Terra 2 [Mountains+Pools], Ranger or sin, rarely ele)
T3 (Terra 3 [Planes], Sin or ele)
T4 (Terra 4 [Pits], Sin or ele, rarely ranger or mesmer)
LT (Labyrinth Tank, Sin or mesmer, sometimes ele, but phased out of meta)
SoS (Part of the "vale team," Signet of Spirits ritualist)
Spiker (Part of the "vale team," varies a lot - ritualists, mesmers, necros, dervishes, eles- lots of possibilities, might also not be advertised as spiker, but "Dwg" which stands for Destructive Was Glaive)
Emo (Ether Renewal Elementalist that maintains bonds on the party and tanks Dhuum at the end)

***Other terms:
-Duos: Referring to a T3 and T4 that don't require the whole team to be around for them to complete their quest.
-T1 Solo: Referring to a T1 who can complete his quest by himself, and usually do the "wastes pull"
-100+ 200+ xx+ etc: They're asking that you have this amount of Ghastly Summoning Stones to join the team. It shows how "experienced" you are in a sense because they drop from the UW end chest.
-Probably more but I can't think right now

Hope this helps, and if you want to know what builds these players run, PvXWiki usually has accurate pug bars:

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